Space for the environment

In the last few years, urban sprawl, urbanisation of villages and rural rearrangements have led to many questions. Will there be more growth? How are we to deal with the existing environment? Can we achieve an increase in quality? Sometimes, it is possible to enhance sustainability using simple interventions, or by not throwing away so many things or by encouraging reuse. Innovation can sometimes be instigated by giving a small clue. Giving this requires a creative mind. I try to make a difference in that area.

Things such as management costs, quality of life and safety in society play an increasingly important role in public space. The increase in the percentage of old people and the changed composition of the population in towns and villages  are reasons for people to want to improve their living environment. ‘Green’ and ‘blue’ developments and sustainability also increasingly feature in work plans. Besides, people’s awareness of the history of their region is growing. All these ways of thinking inspire me.

When the new environment is still in the planning stage, I try to make it transparent to my clients and its future users by raising their imagination, so that they can look forward to their future living environment.